Thank-you to members of Berea Lutheran Church Goderich who gave in order for rice to be delivered to Ambahe. Rasoa Milliasse and my husband Ramanorintsoa (who goes by his last name Milliasse) worked together to deliver the rice. 174 people were on the list to receive rice, however only 34 people were in Ambahe on March 1st when the rice was delivered. So there are four sacs of rice remaining for the 140 people who were not home and this rice will be delivered soon. Two cylcones have gone through Madagascar, impacting the South less than the rest of the country. At first everyone was happy that there was at least some rain in the region, but now that a second cylcone has gone through doing damage and a third expected soon the suffering due to the cyclones has extended into the South where my husband and his family live.

A hungry child waits patiently for the rice delivery
Categories: Madagascar